As the end of August draws near there is only one thing on our minds here at Fishstrong, repairs. July and August have become our designated build months here at the Foundation and this year is no different for us. After spreading mulch along the entire hayride trail we went back and assessed the buildings on the premises to ensure they were sturdy and safe for use this coming scare season.
A few minor repairs are already nearing completion on the General Store and Butcher Shop.
Other buildings like our Makeup Shack and Chapel required a little more work, with the Shack needing and new floor and the Chapel being completely re-built.
Balancing the repairs to the existing attractions we also spent time working on our Fishstrong Warehouse, our big expansion for the year, and we are confident that we will have it ready for use this Halloween season.
Come and check out the work we have done, and get into the Halloween spirit, during our Zombie Fun Run on September 12th.